Four Dollar Recipes


If you are looking for ways to stretch your food budget dollars,  here is a free cookbook with over 132 pages  full of four dollar recipes. You heard that right, four dollar recipes.

Leanne Brown was working on her capstone project for her masters degree in food studies from NYU and decided to try and make a change in people’s perception of real food and the cost of it.


I wanted to make something that not only summed up the work I had done during my studies, but also had a useful life outside of academia.

It bothered me that so many ideas for fixing the food system leave out the poor: it seemed like they didn’t have a voice in the food movement. I wanted to create a resource that would promote the joy of cooking and show just how delicious and inspiring a cheap meal can be if you cook it yourself.

Even though Food Stamps help millions of people across the United States every day, benefits were reduced in November despite rising food prices. It’s more important than ever to make the most of what you have with savvy shopping techniques and skillful cooking. That’s Good and Cheap.



Leanne decided to make her cookbook available for free and can be downloaded here.

She also has a free vegan cookbook available on her website.

Her cookbook has been downloaded over 100,000 times, but that wasn’t what Leanne was looking for. Her goal in making the book was to get it into the hands of people who need it the most, people on fixed incomes and low income families.

[quote_box_center]But I want your help to fund printed copies so that we can get Good and Cheap into the hands of people who don’t have computers or who wouldn’t otherwise see it. The expensive part of printing books is the initial set-up; the cost of each additional copy is fairly low. The more books you buy, the more I can donate or sell at a massive discount to organizations that support low-income families on SNAP (the modern name for Food Stamps).[/quote_box_center]

So she decided to start a kickstarter to mass produce the books and as of right now it is funded 250 percent with a month left to go. So if you have a second take a look and see if it’s something you are interested in helping with.

It’s good to see people trying to make a difference in this world, peace.