Free Kindle Books 12/31/2014


For those with a kindle; here are some free kindle books I came across. The books are free as of 12/31/2014 and I’m not sure how long they will last; so get them while you can! I will try to add more as I find them.

The Beginner’s Guide to Homesteading: How to Become Self-Sufficient with Backyard and Urban Gardening (Prepper’s Survival Gardening & Pantry Stockpile)

The world has become tough and with all the bustle of life around, it is hard to find inner peace. If you finally have achieved inner peace, then you will suffer economically in life. That is quite a despairing fact. Homesteading can remove all this somber from your life and provide you with something good. This book will be your guide to have that what you are wanting. Homesteading for self-sufficiency is quite a hard job if you are not a master in this field. But with a proper guideline, everything is easy and you will master this art within.

Indoor Gardening: 25 Must Know Secrets for a Successful Indoor Gardening

Indoor gardening has been around for a long time, but as more people concern themselves with eating healthier and fresher foods, and more of those people live in homes without the yard space necessary for a traditional garden, indoor gardening has become extremely popular. After all, who wouldn’t want fresh vegetables and herbs all year round without spending a fortune at the grocery store? Who wouldn’t want to be able to ensure their family is eating produce grown in good soil, unaffected by harsh chemical pesticides?

Anyone can grow their own vegetables and herbs without a traditional garden, and most crops which can be grown outside can also be grown inside. Indoor gardening is great not only for those with little to no yard space, but it’s fabulous for beginners. It doesn’t take a lot of money or time and allows beginner gardeners to start slowly and grow into larger gardens.

Naturally Bug Free: Homemade Pest Control for Organic Gardening Made Easy

As people become more interested in where their food comes from and how it is grown, the desire for organic produce has steadily increased. But the higher prices of organic vegetables put them out of reach for many families. This is why so many families are breaking ground and committing to growing their own organic food at home.

As with any garden, common garden pests must be kept under control so they don’t decimate the crops. In order to maintain the organic integrity of the garden, pest contol needs to be done naturally rather than with some toxic synthetic chemical concoction from the home improvement store. This means going back to basics and using natural methods for pest management.

Greenhouse Gardening for Beginners 2nd Edition: How to Grow Flowers and Vegetables Year-Round In Your Greenhouse

A greenhouse allows you to plant all year round- This is the most compelling reason why gardening enthusiasts make use of greenhouses. Whether you are a breeder, a farmer, or a hobbyist, you’ll love to have the chance to enjoy gardening 24/7. Unfortunately, the fact is that you can’t do exactly that on a lot of places in the world. A greenhouse provides you with the opportunity to grow your plants indoors while weather conditions outside are less than ideal. With the ability to change up conditions inside the greenhouse, you can grow particular plants there in any part of the year.

Square Foot Gardening: Grow your own Organic Fruits & Vegetables in Less Space

Square Foot Gardening is an easy way of planting and harvesting a succession of produce within small and confined spaces. One of the main reasons for the success of Square Foot Gardening is that it helps you grow a number of fruits and vegetables at once. This not only gives you a sense of satisfaction, but also ensures good health for your family and less impact on the environment. It can be a great family activity as well that is easy, enjoyable and interesting

Desperate Times

Imagine waking up to the horrific news of an economic cataclysm. Around the globe, investors have panicked and the markets are on the verge of collapse. The unthinkable has happened. There is a run on the banks and the dollar is in a free-fall. With time running out, you rush out the door and try to prepare for the worst-case scenario; only to learn that hyperinflation has arrived and prices have already begun to skyrocket. This is the sad beginning of Desperate Times.

Prepper: Preppers Survival Guide / Prepppers Survival Pantry (2 BOOK SET) A Quick Start Guide to Safe Survival and Self Sufficient Living

~How to clean and filter your own water for safe drinking
~Food supply planning and preparation
~Bedding and clothing
~Medical Supplies
~Essential tools needed
~Building shelter

JeBouffe Home Canning Step by Step Guide (second edition) Revised and Expanded

About this second edition:
Following the success of the first edition, and thanks to some suggestions from our readers, we offer this revised version, corrected and expanded. We have included the imperial and some tables on the processing time for the preservation of the most popular fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry and fish. We also cover the effect of altitude on the processing time and pressure required for the safe canning of foods.

Disaster Preparedness: A Living Free Guide

Disaster preparedness is a topic that everyone should consider, not just people on the fringe. No matter where people live, the potential for a natural or manmade disaster exists, and every home should be stocked and ready for the worst. Disaster Preparedness is a practical, highly useable guide to preparing to survive all forms of disaster-both natural and manmade. Readers will learn how to prepare their family and home for emergencies by teaching the essentials for producing and conserving drinkable water, producing electricity and emergency power, creating and maintaining emergency food supplies, how to prepare for financial disaster, and much more. Written without political or religious bias, Disaster Preparedness is a guide that every home can use before, during, or after a disaster strikes.

Bug Out Bag Basics

There are any number of things that can cause you to have to leave at a moment’s notice: war, government interference, natural disasters, and on and on. You can have the greatest prepping plan in the world, but if you forget to prep a Bug Out Bag, all of your hard work will be for nothing. So where to start?

You have to start somewhere. You can start with the items in this guide. Inside Bug Out Bag Basics, you’ll learn:

– What a Bug Out Bag (BOB) actually is
– What Items You Need to Pack
– What Items You Need to Skip
– How to Prepare a BOB for every family member
– Much, much more