How to make sauerkraut


How to make Sauerkraut at home. We eat a lot of sauerkraut, a lot, due to our Pennsylvania dutch and polish heritage, pork and sauerkraut is a pretty staple meal, especially on New Years, well since we have a lot of pork, we need a lot of sauerkraut.


RIP pig pig and sue sue


I realized we were getting low, so it’s time to get another batch going

So I grabbed 10 heads of cabbage, my food grade bucket and some canning salt


you want to pick off any discolored leaves on the cabbage


I quarter them and cut out the cores


I set up my scale


and chop up and weight out 5 pounds of cabbage, which will use about 2 heads and give you roughly a gallon of cabbage


you want your salt to be roughly 2.5 to 3 percent by volume, which is around 3 tablespoons per 5 pounds


so I take off roughly about a pound and a half of cabbage


dump it in the bucket and sprinkle with a tablespoon of salt


and keep layering it and sprinkling


I give the bucket a good shake to evenly spread the salt, and at this point you have a gallon of cabbage to make into kraut, but like I said, we eat a lot, so I have a lot more to cut


so I use a large lexan to dump into and massage the salt in by hand


and dump it into the bucket, giving me 5 gallons of cabbage


take a non reactive plate and set into the cabbage


and set something on to it to weight it down


the salt will slowly draw out the water from the cabbage and it will compress



that was after about 4 hours, I checked it the next  morning and the brine has covered the cabbage, time to wait for nature to takes its course


if for some reason it doesn’t generate enough brine, mix 1 teaspoon of water and mix well and add enough so the cabbage is covered

here’s a good article on the benefits of sauerkraut

Considering cabbage is low-carb, high-fiber, and contains cancer-fighting 3-indole carbinol and d-glucarate, a compound that works to clear excess estrogen, the veggie is already a superfood. Fermenting it into sauerkraut, however, puts it on nutritional steroids. The probiotics that drive fermentation also help repopulate your digestive system with healthy, hardworking good bacteria that lower inflammation, improve digestion, and maybe even aid in weight loss. Plus fermentation increases the bioavailablity of the antioxidants found in cabbage, and the longer cabbage ferments, the higher the levels of antioxidants become, meaning your body can better absorb and use them”