Thursday, February 13, 2025

Tag: fire starting


The Kindling Cracker

Splitting firewood is a necessary evil if you want to heat your home or garage with a wood-stove. The process of splitting can be dangerous as you use smaller pieces of wood for kindling; an ax...
how to make charcoal at home

How To Make Charcoal

Learning how to make charcoal at home is an easy way to make a product that has multiple uses around the homestead. Below are just a few options for utilizing it. Fuel Additive for composting process. Soil...
mora light my fire giveaway

Mora Light My Fire Giveaway Contest

We recently did a review about the Mora Light MY Fire and decided that we would start running a contest to give away the products that we review. Our first one will will be...
diy rocket stove

DIY Rocket Stove

Here is an inexpensive DIY rocket stove project that my brother put together a couple weeks ago. No special skills or tools are required and the materials cost less than sixteen dollars. Materials: Two bags of quikrete...
Mora lIght My Firevideo

Mora Light My Fire Review

Here is a quick review of the Mora Light My Fire. One of our forum members had posted a link back in February for a sale on the Mora knife where it was $17.99 plus...