Saturday, May 18, 2024

Barrel Stove Kits – How Well Do They Work?

Anyone who reads magazines focused on homesteading, self-sufficiency or off grid living have seen the Vogelzang Barrel Stove Kits advertised for years. They are an inexpensive home heating option for those with not a lot...

Easy Firewood Storage

Here is an easy firewood storage method that is inexpensive and pretty darn brilliant if you ask me. By utilizing pallets; you are able to create little storage sheds that help with drying, proper...

Modern Dakota Fire Hole

Here is a modern version of the Dakota Fire Hole that you can use while out in the field; it's easy to assemble, uses twigs for a fuel source, creates a low light signature and...

A 10 Dollar Rocket Stove

Here is a very detailed tutorial that shows how you can make a simple 10 dollar rocket stove out of a section of square tubing. Rocket stoves have been making big waves in the...

The Kindling Cracker

Splitting firewood is a necessary evil if you want to heat your home or garage with a wood-stove. The process of splitting can be dangerous as you use smaller pieces of wood for kindling; an ax...