DIY Strawberry Pyramid


Strawberries are an easy perennial you can grow in your backyard that can provide a yearly supply of fresh berries for jams, desserts and wines. The DIY strawberry pyramid built by Bonnie Plants in the video above is a great way for people with limited space to grow the productive plant.

They state that the total build costs $113 based off 2013 prices but if you use re-purposed building materials you could build one for a fraction of their estimated costs. They provide an excellent tutorial that includes a cut list, slideshow and printable pdf that you can see at the following link.

…DIY Strawberry Pyramid

You  might want to build a couple of these planters; strawberries are very prolific and will send out runners that you can transplant elsewhere. We started with just twelve plants and within several years they overtook our retaining wall. Good luck with your garden this year.