Monday, March 24, 2025


Our family relocated to Maine 17 Years ago to get to a simpler way of life after the birth of our daughter. We decided to document everything we do about six years ago so we could share our projects with people who are also looking to slow down a little. This site developed from that goal of sharing knowledge.
cast iron ribeye

Cast Iron Ribeye

More and more apartments, condos and homeowner associations are banning charcoal and gas grills that have been synonymous with summertime for decades. Making cast iron ribeye is a simple way to get a perfectly cooked steak for...

DIY Strawberry Pyramid

Strawberries are an easy perennial you can grow in your backyard that can provide a yearly supply of fresh berries for jams, desserts and wines. The DIY strawberry pyramid built by Bonnie Plants in...

Is A Paleo Based Diet A Pathway To Self Sufficiency?

My wife and I have made a concerted effort to start following a more healthy lifestyle and being able to align it with our long term goals of 80 to 90% self sufficiency. We have researched...

How To Dehydrate And Store Food

Food preservation can be one of the biggest challenges for people who are learning how to garden. After spending all summer weeding, watering and composting; the thought of having to can 80 jars of...
burying a shipping cotainervideo

Burying A Shipping Container

If you have ever thought of burying a shipping container there are certain precautions you must take. If done improperly the results can be less than desireable including catastrophical failure. In the video above