Sunday, March 16, 2025

DIY Animal Trailer

Here is a easy way to make a DIY animal trailer, we had been looking to buy a animal trailer on craigslist for awhile. We have had to track one down the past several...

Our New Bugout Location

Not really a bugout location, more of a hunting cabin/future homestead, but the title is catchy! We have been looking for some more remote land to build something to get away to. A friend...

DIY Cheese Press

Here is a cheap DIY cheese press you can make at home for not a lot of money. If you do decide to try your hand at cheese making, I highly recommend using raw...

Installing a split rail fence

This is how we installed our split rail fence. When we moved into the house we hadn't installed any fencing yet and our pug was starting to roam a little to far exploring his...

How to prevent raw sewage from backing into your house

Here is how we learned how to prevent raw sewage from backing up into our house, wish we had done it when we installed the water and sewer lines. When we built our house...