Here is a fairly detailed look at an Earthship next to me. Just a warning that there is a video that wants to play every page you go to that makes my wimpy computer go VERY slow.
What I found interesting was that they seem to still use a lot of concrete to infill the gaps between tires, I wonder what the total cost and man hours are. My guess its a couple hundred thousand?. I wish I had the crews they do lol..
I also find interesting that Mikes new designs have attempted to isolate the solar heat collector. While this fixes some of the issues of overheating/heat loss issues i saw in earlier designs, It creates a closed hallway and darker interior rooms. I understand his evolution of design its just creating an odd indoor living environment. I think we can build completely passive/living homes with much less compromise to the flow of indoor living and be less active. This is what Im trying to prove with our house I guess.
Still its nice to see people here building better homes
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