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you think Bernie Sanders has a shot?
Forum Posts: 31782
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17 Aug ’15 - 10:24 am
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I took it more that he was just fed up with their crap

Forum Posts: 31782
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19 Aug ’15 - 10:00 am
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seems to be creating some conflict within unions


Forum Posts: 31782
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6 Sep ’15 - 10:50 am
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took the lead in NH

the fact that Trump leads the GOP is scary

Forum Posts: 2030
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7 Sep ’15 - 7:53 am
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This whole thing is a disaster. Other than Rand, there's nobody I can really get behind and after his comments about the county clerk in TN, I'm not sure I can get behind him anymore either...


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7 Sep ’15 - 12:15 pm
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sad what our politics have turned into

Central Arkansas
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8 Sep ’15 - 2:09 am
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easytapper said
Someone on my FB feed said the major issue he has with Bernie Sanders is that he was so easily shut down by the protesters/hecklers.  That he can't support someone that weak.

Not especially insightful to take that stance. To presume that you can "handle" irrational, aggressive, militant people in any way other than having decent security who stops them before ever reaching the stage is fool hardy. Bernie didn't stoop to their force tactics, he remained calm, polite, civil, and rational. He tried to speak to them in a reasonable manner and was met by an escalation of their irrational tantrums. So he calmly told them that if that is how they insist on behaving that he was not going to tolerate it at which point he calmly left.


Those are EXACTLY the actions and temperament I want to see in a future president: Calm under fire, diplomatic, rational negotiation, and the ability to draw a line not to be crossed and enforce it (in this case by removing himself).


This was a failure in lack of adequate security. Bernie appears to want to be accessible, approachable, and personable. I think he was unprepared for "crazy", I mean frankly, no-one is EVER prepared for crazy, that's why we call it crazy. High security is incompatible with approachable. He needs a good middle ground security, and the stage should have been off limits.


It's really unfortunate how many examples of bad conduct and temperamentalism are coming from the Black Lives Matter movement. ALL LIVES MATTER. ALL LIVES. ALL. EVERY. SINGLE. LIFE. MATTERS. That they'd whine about that claiming that it undermines their message is irrational. Yes, Black Lives DO MATTER. Yes, racism and bigotry need to be eradicated. But ALL LIVES MATTER, and I'm not the least bit sorry for saying so.


The problem with that video was the tactics of the protesters. If they'd have cooperated, they'd likely have gotten the chance to say something. It was a reflection on them, not on Bernie.


And for the record, I've zero preference for any candidate from any party. I've not had time to research any of them and subsequently have no informed opinions to guide me. I've simply commented based solely on what was clearly evident to me from the video.

Central Arkansas
Farm Hand
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8 Sep ’15 - 2:27 am
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Has anyone heard that Lawrence Lessig of "Creative Commons" and "Electronic Frontiers Foundation" fame is throwing his hat in to bid for the presidency?


I think I'm running to get people to acknowledge the elephant in the room," Lessig said Sunday on ABC. "This stalemate, partisan platform of American politics in Washington right now doesn't work. And we have to find a way to elevate the debate to focus on the changes that would actually get us a government that could work again, that is not captured by the tiniest fraction of the one percent who fund campaigns.


Should Lessig beat the odds and win the White House, he would not be there very long, if things go according to his plan. Once the Citizen Equality Act is signed into law, he's vowed to vacate the Oval Office and hand over power to his vice president.



He's spent most of his career as a crusader (rather like Nader only less outspoken). He's a professor of law and ethics, and has been profoundly influential on the freedoms that we enjoy on the Internet today. While he may (again, like Nader) siphon votes away from other candidates (like Clinton or Sanders), I think its an extremely interesting development.


Here's his campaign website:



Of course the one thing I can't help correcting is: America IS NOT a Democracy, IT'S A REPUBLIC!


I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Forum Posts: 31782
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8 Sep ’15 - 8:37 am
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interesting, I think this will turn a lot of people off if true

Should Lessig beat the odds and win the White House, he would not be there very long, if things go according to his plan. Once the Citizen Equality Act is signed into law, he's vowed to vacate the Oval Office and hand over power to his vice president.

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