Sunday, May 5, 2024

Raised Bed Hoop Houses

When you start a garden this year, try and maximize the usage of your planting space by building projects that have dual purposes. One way of doing this is by using raised bed hoop houses which can replace the need...
herb wheel planter

How To Make A Herb Wheel Planter

When planning out your garden area this year don’t forget to set aside room for a herb garden. There is nothing like walking outside and picking fresh herbs for recipes or dehydrating for later use....

DIY Strawberry Pallet Planter

For those with limited space for gardening, building raised beds can be an inexpensive method of maximizing the square footage of your yard. The strawberry pallet planter tutorial provided by above is a simple...

Eliot Coleman’s How to Build a Greenhouse

Here is a great video on how to build a greenhouse from Eliot Coleman; author of The New Organic Grower, Four-Season Harvest, and The Winter Harvest Handbook. Coleman and his wife, Barbara Damrosch, presently...

DIY Pallet Greenhouse

Being able to grow food in the backyard is a goal for a lot of Americans right now, and for many good reasons. For example; rising food costs, healthier food choices, or trying to...