Sunday, May 19, 2024

Raised Bed Hoop Houses

When you start a garden this year, try and maximize the usage of your planting space by building projects that have dual purposes. One way of doing this is by using raised bed hoop houses which can replace the need...

Backyard Aquaponics

Backyard Aquaponics seems to be a hot topic in the homesteading and sustainability world right now. If someone spends some time researching it they can see quickly why it makes sense. I have been...

Cold Frame Tire Potatoes

Living and gardening in Maine can be a challenge at times; just when you think you have everything all figured out Mother Nature rears her head and smacks you in the face with a...

The Homebrewed Homesteading Podcast : Episode 14

In this weeks homesteading podcast  Jesse and I discuss something that is on a lot of people's minds right now. Starting a garden, we discuss things that have worked for us, things we are...

Raised Beds 201 Part A

So our first year with raised beds were somewhat of a success. We did a test run that year to see how long we could extend the season and planted everything straight from seed...