Installing a split rail fence


This is how we installed our split rail fence. When we moved into the house we hadn’t installed any fencing yet and our pug was starting to roam a little to far exploring his new home. So the following spring we decided it was best to fence in the yard. We had looked at several options and decided the cheapest method would be a cedar fence, plus it would look good. The local supply company was having a sale on posts and rails for 12.99 a set, so we went a picked up some, we also grabbed some 2×3 wire to install on the inside of the fence, that way the dogs couldn’t push their way through it


we started on the corner of the berm and ran the fencing to the blackberry bushes to keep the dogs from cutting over to our neighbors, man the yard looks empty


since the posts don’t have a 3 point corner we just doubled up a post in the corner and started running it down the bushes, at this point the soil was very dry so we just compacted the excavated soil back in around the posts


we used the roll of fencing as a guide for height and proceeded to just keep working around the yard



when we started getting to the back corner we started running into some water, but nothing to bad


when we started getting closer to the pond we were hitting water as soon as we started digging and compacting the soil back in was futile, so I had my wife go and grab some backs of cement


and we would just compact in a bag around each post as we were setting them


we curved the fence up around the pond


I installed a 6 foot gate into the fence, I wish I had installed a 8 so I could pull our trailer into the yard


and ran the posts right up to the corner, he wasn’t happy


We went around and started nailing the down the wire with electrical staples


and I wired on a piece on the gate to keep the pug from crawling through it


the yard was all fenced in


he wouldn’t talk to me for a week 🙁


price break down, we had bought 50 sets of posts and rails I believe for a total of 650
the 2×3 wire was around 60 dollars
the gate was 69
we spent about 80 on cement

so for about 850 dollars we fenced in roughly a 120x 160 area

compare that to our old house where we had chain link installed on a 30×40 area that cost us 1300 dollars

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  1. Thanks for the posting. I am looking to do the same type of project at our new home. I was wondering which company you purchased your posts and rails from. I have looked around at the local Home Depot/Lowes/Ace Hardwarde and haven’t see anything quite like the posts you used. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.
