Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Fire Tower Cabin

Here is a fire tower cabin like you have never seen before. Actually, there is probably a good chance you have seen a picture of it since it has floated around the internet the...

Self Sufficiency Equals Poverty?

When did the thought that self sufficiency equals poverty come into the modern mind set? What was once considered a normal way of life just several generations ago is now looked down on by a large...

Tiny:A Story About Living Small

Have you heard of the recent documentary Tiny: A Story About Living Small? If you are thinking about downsizing and following a simpler life of self-sufficiency you should spend a hour and watch it. Here...

Michigan Farmer forced to destroy food

While Americans in the nearby city of Detroit face life in third world conditions, unable to even afford running water,  the state of Michigan decided to direct its resources towards cracking down on a...

Forty Years In Solitude

Could you spend forty years in solitude? We all have our own personal ideas of what living off the grid is and for a lot of people, we look at the well documented cases...