Sunday, May 5, 2024

So God Made A Farmer

Since everyone is watching the Super Bowl today I figured it would be a perfect time to share one of the greatest Super Bowl commercials ever made. The words still impact me today just...

Self Sufficiency Equals Poverty?

When did the thought that self sufficiency equals poverty come into the modern mind set? What was once considered a normal way of life just several generations ago is now looked down on by a large...

A Simple Dinner On The Homestead

What if you could walk out your front door and pick the ingredients to make a simple dinner? It seems to be the goal of a lot of Americans these days, and sometimes people...

An Inexpensive Tiny Home

The tiny home craze is sweeping the nation; people looking to live a simple lifestyle are finding that the average 2500 square foot home does not fit well with their new life choices. Blogs,...

Forty Years In Solitude

Could you spend forty years in solitude? We all have our own personal ideas of what living off the grid is and for a lot of people, we look at the well documented cases...