Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tag: diy

How to prevent raw sewage from backing into your house

Here is how we learned how to prevent raw sewage from backing up into our house, wish we had done it when we installed the water and sewer lines. When we built our house...

Solar Electric Fence for pigs part 2

So I hooked up the solar electric fence for pigs on friday, let the shocking begin! (just kidding PETA). This is the solar fence charger we had bought last year. and ran the electric tape...

Backyard Pigs

Time to get some more backyard pigs. My friend who we get our pigs from called me the other day and said the piglets were ready. Since we have been having nothing but rain...

We the tiny house people

A new documentary called We the Tiny House People by TV producer and Internet-video personality Kirsten Dirksen invites us on her journey into the tiny homes of people searching for simplicity, self-sufficiency, minimalism and...

26 steps to self sufficiency

People that are trying to live a simpler lifestyle sometimes struggle with where to begin. Here are 26 steps to self sufficiency that anyone can do with not too much effort; just make sure...