Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Tag: economy


PVC ALICE Pack Frame

If you are missing your original metal frame, or if it is falling apart on you; here is a simple PVC ALICE pack frame that you can make for not a lot of money. Dave...
how to make a meat cleavervideo

How To Make A Meat Cleaver

Happy father's day weekend to all the dads out there. If your father's day is anything like mine it typically starts with a honey-do list from my wife. Once I have those out of the...
pallet hay feeder

Pallet Hay Feeder

If you are thinking of adding livestock to your homestead this year than a hay feeder is something you might want to invest in to help keep feed waste under control. Commercial units can be...

Wine Barrel Cabinet

If you are looking for a cool project this spring then a wine barrel cabinet just might be perfect for you. Re-purposing items is a great way to save money, save items from the landfill...

Culvert Root Cellar

Re-purposing is a great way to save some money on projects around the homestead and turning old concrete culverts into a root cellar is a great example of this. When Reddit user Spiker1986's brother needed a space to...