Thursday, May 2, 2024

Our Little Solar Cabin Project

We had built a little solar cabin for our father and I decided to make it "off the grid". Since our long term goal is to take our house off the grid, it would...

A Cheap Generator Transfer Switch

One of our forum members had asked about a cheap generator transfer switch for their home. An external disconnect can run about 500-1000 dollars based off local electrician rates but an inexpensive option is a...

How To Install A Bakers Salute Oven

For those that heat with wood; having the ability to use the heat lost in the chimney flue to cook with would be an ideal situation. The Bakers Salute Oven gives you the ability...

Simple Firewood Rack

Here is a simple firewood rack that is easy and inexpensive to build, my two favorite words! For just a couple dollars worth of material you can build a rack that will keep your...

Solar electric fence

I decided to install a solar electric fence after the pigs got settled in their new home. I wanted to close off part of our back field to let them pasture some and give...