Processing A Pig
I came across the video above the other day that shows the complete steps of processing a pig from start to finish. Those with a weaker stomach may want to skip it.
Raising an animal for food...
A Homesteader’s Dilemma
Often when people think about trying to live a self-sustaining lifestyle; they think about all the positives; such as economic, personal development, a sense of satisfaction and emotional well-being. Occasionally the emotional part gets...
Honey On Tap
I had posted a link to Honey On Tap that is hitting Indiegogo tomorrow on our forum and our facebook page. When I first saw it my original thought was, AWESOME! My second thought was,...
DIY Incubator
Here is a simple DIY Incubator that anyone can build for under twenty dollars. For people looking to become food independent, breeding chickens are a great way to help along that path.
Yet there are...
When do you let your best friend go?
In 1997 my daughter was born and by the time she was 2 she was asking for a puppy. At that time we were still renting a apartment and we told her when we...