Wooden Spool Duck House


Photo Credit: mcraghead CC by 2.5

Here is a wooden spool duck house that is inexpensive and relatively easy to build; my two favorite words! Trying to start a self-sufficient homestead can be cost prohibitive for a lot of people; especially those that are starting with nothing. My wife and I often say it takes a lot of money to be poor. People may read that and think that makes no sense, but in past generations; farms, equipment, tools and knowledge were passed down through the family. People may have been poor, but they were rich in the required basics to be self-sufficient. Someone starting out has to learn the skills and acquire all those items; which takes time and money.

That’s why I love projects like these; they cost next to nothing, are relatively quick to complete and the tools required are very basic.

  1. spool
  2. misc. wood: sourced from free palettes
  3. galvanized drywall screws
  4. filler
  5. paint
  6. varnish
  7. “door” hardware: hinges, handle, latch.
  1. circular saw
  2. jigsaw
  3. driver/drill
  4. hole saw drill bit (two sizes)
  5. screwdriver
  6. vise grips
  7. socket wrench
  8. sander
  9. paint brush

Below are the basic steps of construction.

1Acquire A Spool

Photo Credit: mcraghead CC by 2.5

2Disassemble The Spool

Photo Credit: mcraghead CC by 2.5


Photo Credit: mcraghead CC by 2.5

4Install The Side Boards

Photo Credit: mcraghead CC by 2.5

5Fill In The Gaps

Photo Credit: mcraghead CC by 2.5

6Paint And Finish

Photo Credit: mcraghead CC by 2.5

So for a small investment you can have a safe and secure home for your ducks. This would even work well for other small farm animals; we personally have even used wire spools for roosting spots for our turkeys.

You can see a more detailed tutorialĀ of the build below.

..Cable Spool Duckhouse