481 Crockpot Recipes
Here are 481 crockpot recipes for people on the go or for those looking to save some money in today's unknown financial environment. A crockpot is probably one of my favorite cooking methods and...
Tiny:A Story About Living Small
Have you heard of the recent documentary Tiny: A Story About Living Small? If you are thinking about downsizing and following a simpler life of self-sufficiency you should spend a hour and watch it.
DIY AR-15 Speedloader
Here is a DIY AR-15 speedloader that you can build for not a lot of money. Anyone that shoots on a consistent basis knows that reloading spent magazines can get tiring real quick.
Now I'm...
Pork And Butternut Chili
We finally got our pigs back from the butcher the other day and since the weather is starting to get colder we decided to make some pork and butternut chili. I'm not a big...
Recipes In A Jar
Here are over four-hundred recipes in a jar for people that are looking to set up a deep pantry. One of the largest stumbling blocks for people trying to be self-sufficient or preparing for uncertain times...