Dehydrating Strawberries


We have been getting swamped with strawberries the last 10 days, my wife has been picking about 2 gallons a day for the last several so we decided it was time to start dehydrating strawberries, before the damn chipmunks get them all!


So I decided to dehydrate a large amount of our harvest so I could experiment with them this winter

I cleaned and cut them in half


and let them dehydrate over night


there is about 6 gallons of strawberries in this bag


I decided to store them in canning jars, so I topped off a jar and set the lid on


and used my jar attachment for my foodsaver,


each quart contains about 2 gallons of berries, so 6 gallons ready to go in the pantry


I also vacumed sealed a few gallons for the freezer, I need to try that freezer jam priceless had posted


off to pick more berries

Click here to buy the FoodSaver® Narrow-Mouth Jar Sealer

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  1. I dehydrated several gallons as well then vacuum packed those for winter (they didn’t make it, something about strawberry chips). The jam is kicking and so far everyone that has tried it raves about it and I must confess that it was good (belly rubbed with much satisfaction).

    I particularly liked the “chips” in oatmeal with a touch of cream. I do like the way you cut yours, mine were cut across forming little circles.