DIY Emergency Candle


There are quite a few candles available on the market today that are designed to be used in an emergency; they are a great product to have on hand in case of a major power outage. What happens though if you are nowhere near your cache when the zombie apocalypse begins? Luckily there are DIY emergency candles options that you can utilize if the need ever arises; the simplest being butter and toilet paper as seen in the video above.

Materials Needed

  • Butter
  • Toilet Paper
  • Something to poke a hole

For those with issues watching youtube videos due to internet connections; below is the basic process for building one.

You Need Butter

Photo Credit CC By 2.5

Cut It In Half

Photo Credit CC By 2.5

Poke A Hole

Photo Credit CC By 2.5

Insert Your Wick

Photo Credit CC By 2.5

4 Bonus Methods

To see the complete tutorial click on the link below. Stay safe!

Make a Butter Candle – Emergency Candle McGyver Style!

I’ve found that 1 Tablespoon of butter will burn for about 1 hour. I used a 4 Oz bar of butter (8 Tablespoons) and cut it in half to give me two 4-hour candles. (4 Tablespoons each.) King Of Random

100 Hour Plus Emergency Candles

Set of three emergency candles – each lasts over 100 hours! Liquid paraffin, Self-contained, Odorless and smokeless, Very safe source of light.