DIY Pallet Hot Tub


IBC tanks and pallets are great resources to have around the homestead for re-purposing projects. Once in awhile a project comes along that combines them in a unique way; such as the DIY pallet hot tub in the video above. According to the builder; he built his version of a hilly billy hot tub for a garden party and it cost him less than £50. The IBC container cost £40, while the pallets, copper pipe and propane tank were free. The other £10 paid for the plumbing connectors. That converts to less than $75 USD; I think it’s time to build an American version!

For those that have an issue with watching youtube videos due to internet connections; below is a brief overview of a similar build from . This build utilizes a pool filtration system so there is more costs involved.

Gather Materials

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Install Connectors And Pallet Skin

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Attach PVC Piping

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Finish Pallet Exterior And Fold Over IBC Top

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Pipe In The Pool Filter And Start Filling

Photo Credit:

Trim The Top And Enjoy

Photo Credit:

To see a detailed build on instructables click on the link below.

…IBC above ground plunge pool

Enjoy your new DIY Hot Tub!

DIY Projects for the Self-Sufficient Homeowner: 25 Ways to Build a Self-Reliant Lifestyle

Build your way to a more self-sufficient lifestyle with step-by-step projects for backup and supplementary utilities–including independent water, heat, and electricity–growing and storing food, raising small livestock, beekeeping, and more. Many of the projects require basic materials available at your everyday home center, but this book also provides valuable DIY resources for solar, hydro, greenhouse, and gardening needs.