DIY Pallet Pantry

Photo Credit Kat And House

Pallets are an inexpensive building material for the budget conscience DIY’er; they are usually made out of hardwood, treated to last a long time and best of all they are free. Due to these benefits they have exploded in popularity over the last several years in the homesteading community.

We personally have built our chicken coop, duck house and compost bin with pallets for very minimal cost. With a little imagination and a lot of elbow grease you can even make beautiful and functional rustic pieces of furniture just as Kat And House did when they built their own version of a DIY Pallet Pantry. Below is a brief overview of how they did it.

Disassemble Pallets

Photo Credit Kat And House

Build A Frame For Base

Photo Credit Kat And House

Insert Center Divider And Shelves

Photo Credit Kat And House

Different Aged Wood For Counter

Photo Credit Kat And House

Install Doors And Hardware

Photo Credit Kat And House

Build A Frame For Top Piece

Photo Credit Kat And House

Add Dividers And Shelves

Photo Credit Kat And House

Install Doors And Hardware

Photo Credit Kat And House

Enjoy Your New Pantry

Photo Credit Kat And House

To see a detailed tutorial that includes sketch plans of this great DIY Pallet Pantry; click on the link below.

…Paltrabinet; Part 2

If you do decide to tackle this project, be sure to find pallets that are stamped HT for heat-treated; which is the method used to preserve the wood in the pallet. The other method is Methyl Bromide fumigation which creates a health risk and should not be used for projects or for firewood.

HomeMade: 101 Easy-to-Make Things for Your Garden, Home, or Farm

Here are complete, easy-to-follow directions for 101 homemade items that will save you time and money. Projects include things for your home (such as a tool box, a basement closet, a fuel sled, a solar drier, and a window greenhouse), your garden (compost boxes, cold frames, soil sifters, fences, and tomato supports), and your farm (a moveable shed, a corral gate, a watering trough, a chicken feeder, and an incubator).