Monday, March 31, 2025

DIY Rainwater Diverter

One of the most important parts that you need when building a rainwater catchment system for your home is a first flush diverter. The device simply allows the initial rainwater runoff from the roof...

A DIY Swimming Pool

If you are thinking of adding a pool to your property this spring; make sure you don't overlook a natural swimming pool. They not only increase your property values, but also provide numerous environmental...

DIY Waterfall Countertop

They say that home-ownership is the American dream; unfortunately for those that buy a fixer-upper; that dream can quickly turn into a nightmare. My wife and I have personally remodeled three homes over the...

Rustic Man Cave

Do you ever dream about having your own little cabin in the woods? A place where you and your buddies can hang out and solve all the world's problems over a few beers? I...

DIY Dovetail Notch Jig

In the Log Cabin building world there are innovations that come along every so often that make the construction process easier for the DIY'er. One such product comes from inventor and builder Fred Beal,...