Friday, March 14, 2025

DIY Ugly Drum Smoker

With the big game only a few weeks away and projects around the home being few and far between at this time of year; building an Ugly Drum Smoker (UDS) might just be the...

Is A Debt Free Home Possible? Yes!

Mother Earth News asked a simple question on a blog post last January; "Who has built their own debt free home?" They were looking for home owners to write about how they were able to...

Tiny Earthship in New Zealand

This tiny Earthship in New Zealand is a great example of someone following their dreams and working towards the life they envision. After watching the documentary "The Garbage Warrior"; which is about Architect Michael...

How To Build A Smoker Out Of A Compressor

Anyone that has the intention of getting serious with their culinary skills this summer needs to learn how to build a smoker. That's right; a smoker. The ability to smoke your own meats, chickens,...

DIY Chainsaw Mill

Here is a DIY chainsaw mill project for the homesteader, farmer, prepper or anyone that enjoys wood working. I had first heard of a chainsaw mill in the early nineties while reading the latest...