Grover Chimney Oven


I was not expecting the amount of interest generated by our simple tutorial on how we installed our Bakers Salute Oven. People that already heat with wood and want to be even more independent of fossil fuels were excited by the thought of being able to bake with their current wood-stoves. Usually when people first see the ovens there are one of two reactions; holy crap that’s awesome, or holy crap that’s expensive!

I agree that $539 plus shipping can be costly for a lot of people, but luckily the Grover Chimney Oven shown in the video above is less than half the price of a Bakers Salute. I seriously debated between the two options when we were looking to buy one a few years ago and I decided to pay the extra money for the following reasons.

  • The Grover only has a 4 inch chimney, my wood-stove has a 6 inch
  • The size of the cooking chamber, we bake a lot
  • I preferred the clean-out ports on the Bakers Salute

Although when we build our cabin I am going to take another look at the Grover because they also build a wood-stove for $200 that is built for the oven. The pair would be perfect for the cabin we have in mind.

They don’t have a website, instead they market them through youtube and ebay. So if the product fits your needs and you would like more information on the Grover Chimney Oven check out their ebay store below.

Grover Chimney Oven – Used on a Tent Stove or Wood Stove