Here is a Paleo Friendly Pork And Vegetable Bake that easy to make and tasty to boot.
So my wife and I have continued following a Paleo Based diet for the past month and a half. To be honest it has been much easier than I thought and the immediate benefit has been a remarkable amount of weight loss. As of today I am down about thirty pounds, while my wife has lost about sixteen. Not to shabby in my opinion.
Since I love to cook coming up with paleo friendly versions of our favorite foods has been pretty simple. This started out as a lasagna substitute and slowly morphed into this over several different times making it. I really need to come up with better names for these things, anywho, in keeping with our paleo friendly meals, I present this creation, it’s pretty close to the lasagna bake I made with some few minor changes.
I gathered my supplies, that’s two pounds of sausage from our pigs.
I chopped up the zucchinis and carrots.
and shredded up the whole mozzarella
I browned up the sausage
and started my layers, first half the zucchini
then carrots
followed by sausage
and a can of diced tomatoes
covered by half the mozzarella
and followed up by half a jar of sauce
a sprinkling of red pepper, garlic and italian seasoning
and repeated the layers and topped off with some parmesan cheese
I stuck it into our Bakers Salute wood stove oven, which maintains about 350-375 degrees pretty easily.
and about 1 hour and 15 minutes later
my wife says it’s her favorite so far
Give it a shot!
Here is a pretty good book for those with not a lot of time for preparation and would prefer to use a slow cooker.