Setting Up A Gardening Notebook


Here is how you can go about setting up a gardening notebook to help keep track of your garden each season.  It’s easy to forget what worked well and what was a failure.

I can remember the basic things such as if it was a wet season, were pests a issue, etc. Yet as far as specifics on what I did each year that either succeeded or failed, if it wasn’t for my notebook I would be lost. If I’m good, I can remember back a year or two but anything beyond that and my mind is toast. What day did I plant those tomatoes? Did I amend the soil with anything? How well was the harvest?

In the past I would just keep hand scratched notes on a yellow legal pad but trying to keep some cohesion to the documentation was a exercise in futility at best. I was losing notes all over the place and would often become frustrated with the whole process.

Until I came across this Free Printable Garden Notebook a couple years ago.


Table of Contents

  1. Printable Garden Planner
  2. Printable Square Foot Garden Planner
  3. Monthly Garden Planner
  4. Seasonal Garden Planner
  5. Printable Gardening Expenses Worksheet
  6. Monthly Garden Chore List Printable
  7. Seasonal Garden Chore List Printable
  8. Printable Garden Project Tracker
  9. Plant Profile Printable
  10. Seed Starting Printable
  11. Plant Tracker Printable
  12. Garden Pests & Problems Printable
  13. Printable Fertilizing/Soil Amendment Record
  14. Garden Harvest Tracker Printable
  15. Printable Seed Harvest Tracker
  16. Printable Daily Garden Journal
  17. Printable Weekly Garden Journal

You can sit down in an afternoon and pretty much plan out your whole season with what to plant, when to plant, etc. I really like the plant profile printable which makes it much easier to reference planting guidelines for the specific seeds purchased instead of digging through the seed packets to read the printing on the back. I use a three ring binder with sheet covers so that I am able to bring it out into the garden with me without being concerned about spilling anything on it and ruining my notes for reference purposes.

Printable Garden Notebook: Click here to see

I also like to print zone charts, recommended spacing guides and such to help with planting and maintaining my garden space.

Here is the planting guide for zone five, this is laminated and stuck into the binder as a reference.

You can pick and print your zone here

I also like to print and laminate spacing recommendations for different plants such as this one to use as quick reference.

As well as companion planting guides which is handy when laying out your garden. Here is a good example of one.

There are some other items I have in my notebook as well but these are the major ones that I use. All this information will help you plan out and be successful in your future gardening endeavors. Good luck!