Solar electric fence


I decided to install a solar electric fence after the pigs got settled in their new home. I wanted to close off part of our back field to let them pasture some and give them some room to roam.  So I went and picked up a Gallagher Solar Charger and screwed down the hot and ground and let it sit on the porch a few days to charge.


I ziptied it to the fence to make sure it was pointed in a general southern direction


I proceeded to pound in a grounding rod, luckily the ground was soft



I grabbed the electric tape and insulators


and went around and mounted the insulators on the fencing


and ran a loop of tape


and brought back and clipped on the hot lead and fired it up


it seemed to work!

so after running them on the wire in the pen for 10 days and hearing a zap and a squeal every soft often in the middle of the night I decided to section off some of the field so they have room to roam. A bored pig looks for trouble and tries to find ways to escape. A happy will hang around if they have food, water, clean bedding and something to keep their mind busy. They are very smart animals.

I started with a test, a peanut butter sandwich , they loved those things. I figured if I put a sandwich right under the wire and it was still sitting there by the time I got done enclosing the field, I could trust them to be out there


I grabbed some grade stakes, wire and insulators, I figured I wouldd give them a 40 by 100 room to graze


I started by placing the stakes out every eight feet


and grabbed my lawn mower and went around and cut down the grass around them



sandwich check, still there


I mounted the insulators, I went with one about 6 inches up and one 12 inches up to run a double loop. You want to hit the pig on the snout so it backs up, not on the head behind the ears, that will cause the pig to surge forward right through the fence


sandwich check


I ran the loop around and doubles it back


and unleashed the pigs


the standoff, my dog wasn’t quite sure what to think


and they were happy as pigs in clover, literally


Gallagher G344404 S17 6-volt Solar Fencer, 10 Acre/1-Mile

Powers up to 10 acres/1 mile of multi-wire fence
Stored energy: 0.17 Joules
Built-in solar panel charges battery, even on cloudy days


  1. Does that charger work well? I am new to pigs and electric sending and trying to figure out what to get so I can set it up prior to getting pigs. We are only going to have 2 and want to use them to rototill our garden area then move them to a more permanent area where they can have room to roam.