Monday, March 31, 2025

Tag: Canning

How to make cherry pie filling

Here is how to make cherry pie filling. We had planted sour cherry trees four years ago and we had our first harvest this year. Last night  I grabbed my cherries we had picked...

How to make crock pickles

Here is a simple method for making crock pickles. In my continuing endeavor to eat only things we produce, nothing processed, I figured it was time to make some snacks, most of my pickles...

How to make some homemade beer mustard

I wanted to make some homemade beer mustard for the upcoming superbowl parties, so last night I took 2 cups of mustard seeds and a couple bottles of shipyard export ale I dumped a bottle...

26 steps to self sufficiency

People that are trying to live a simpler lifestyle sometimes struggle with where to begin. Here are 26 steps to self sufficiency that anyone can do with not too much effort; just make sure...

How to pressure can chicken

One day I decided to learn how to pressure can chicken. I had bought some chicken tenders that were on sale and instead of vacuum sealing them and freezing them, I wanted to make...