Saturday, March 29, 2025

Tag: ducks

A Cheap Source For Birds

Here is a cheap source for birds that a lot of people overlook. The next time your local farm store places a bird order, don't order any. The companies will usually ship extra in case...

Mallard Nesting Tube

Here is how we built a mallard nesting tube last season. My the father, who we refer to as the  the duck whisperer was up to his shenanigans one afternoon. He was spending more...

How to Train A Dog to Protect Your Flock

Here is a simple method on how to train a dog to protect your flock. I am not a dog trainer, but this is a method that has worked for us with zero loss...

Fly Strike

Ever heard of Fly Strike? I hadn't, until I had to cull my tom. It is especially prevalent in rabbits and The House Rabbit Society gives a good explanation of it. The tiniest cut can...

Pallet Chicken Coop

Since the pallet duck house build was a success, we decided to move our egg slaves into the yard this winter and build them a simple coop. The one thing missing in my opinion...