Sunday, March 30, 2025

Tag: earth sheltered

Culvert Root Cellar

Re-purposing is a great way to save some money on projects around the homestead and turning old concrete culverts into a root cellar is a great example of this. When Reddit user Spiker1986's brother needed a space to...

DIY Stone Foundation

Alternative building methods are a great way for the DIY'er out there to live in a low cost and energy efficient home. No matter what construction method you decide to use; such as strawbale,...

Is A Debt Free Home Possible? Yes!

Mother Earth News asked a simple question on a blog post last January; "Who has built their own debt free home?" They were looking for home owners to write about how they were able to...

Tiny Earthship in New Zealand

This tiny Earthship in New Zealand is a great example of someone following their dreams and working towards the life they envision. After watching the documentary "The Garbage Warrior"; which is about Architect Michael...

Pouring A Cement Patio

Here is how you can go about pouring a cement patio. We were debating between installing a wood deck or pouring a slab because one design flaw we had with our  house was that we...