Sunday, January 26, 2025

Tag: self sufficiency

Programming An Off Grid Home

What do you do if you want a totally off grid home? Well if you are Loren Amelang, you build one! What if you are also a pioneer in C++ programming?  Well if you are...

Forty Years In Solitude

Could you spend forty years in solitude? We all have our own personal ideas of what living off the grid is and for a lot of people, we look at the well documented cases...

An Inexpensive Way To Homestead

Here is an inexpensive way to homestead that I came across yesterday in my travels. One of the largest costs with getting started in trying to live a self-sufficient life is housing and one...

Campfire Recipes

For those that like to cook in the great outdoors or in their dutch-oven,  here are 500 camping recipes in pdf form that you can make at home or in the field. We have...

Recipes for Self-Sufficiency

Here are 30 Recipes for Self-Sufficiency that are relatively easy to make for anyone. One of the basic building blocks for self-sufficiency is being able to produce and make your own food, a lot of...