Thursday, February 13, 2025

Tag: Tiny Homes

grain bin homesvideo

A Grain Bin House

For those looking for a unique alternative building method then a grain bin house could be just what you are looking for. Grain bins can be found all around the country and are often sold for scrap...
mortgage free homevideo

A Mortgage Free Home

The word mortgage derives from the old french word mort gage which translates to "death pledge". Sadly for most people today that meaning still holds a lot of truth. People trade 30 years of their future earnings...

DIY Waterfall Countertop

They say that home-ownership is the American dream; unfortunately for those that buy a fixer-upper; that dream can quickly turn into a nightmare. My wife and I have personally remodeled three homes over the...

DIY Dovetail Notch Jig

In the Log Cabin building world there are innovations that come along every so often that make the construction process easier for the DIY'er. One such product comes from inventor and builder Fred Beal,...

A Cheap Cabin Option

I had bookmarked this video over a year ago to show my brother since he was thinking of possibly building a tiny home. I was cleaning out my bookmarks folder today when I found...