Sunday, March 30, 2025

Tag: turkeys

A Cheap Source For Birds

Here is a cheap source for birds that a lot of people overlook. The next time your local farm store places a bird order, don't order any. The companies will usually ship extra in case...

How to Train A Dog to Protect Your Flock

Here is a simple method on how to train a dog to protect your flock. I am not a dog trainer, but this is a method that has worked for us with zero loss...

Fly Strike

Ever heard of Fly Strike? I hadn't, until I had to cull my tom. It is especially prevalent in rabbits and The House Rabbit Society gives a good explanation of it. The tiniest cut can...

Pallet Chicken Coop

Since the pallet duck house build was a success, we decided to move our egg slaves into the yard this winter and build them a simple coop. The one thing missing in my opinion...

DIY Brooder

Here is a easy DIY brooder that you can put together in about a hour out of 2x4's. The farmers union got their first shipment of spring birds 2 weeks ago, and once again,...