Wine Barrel Cabinet

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

If you are looking for a cool project this spring then a wine barrel cabinet just might be perfect for you. Re-purposing items is a great way to save money, save items from the landfill and create a conversational piece that can last a lifetime. If you were motivated enough it would also be a great addition to an etsy store for a little extra added income.

Acquire a Barrel

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

Sand it down

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

Re-stain with your choice of finish

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

Build a drink rest

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

Cut door opening

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

Add shelving, this one will hold wine bottles

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

Add glass racks and LED lighting

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

Corks and glass to finish the top

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

Mount your doors with hinges

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

All complete

Photo Credit stanguylovetheshow

You can see the complete tutorial at the following link. Good luck with your project.

..Wine Barrel Cabinet

HomeMade: 101 Easy-to-Make Things for Your Garden, Home, or Farm

Here are complete, easy-to-follow directions for 101 homemade items that will save you time and money. Projects include things for your home (such as a tool box, a basement closet, a fuel sled, a solar drier, and a window greenhouse), your garden (compost boxes, cold frames, soil sifters, fences, and tomato supports), and your farm (a moveable shed, a corral gate, a watering trough, a chicken feeder, and an incubator).