Generator Propane Conversion


After seeing the long lines for gas and violence in the New York area following Hurricane Sandy; we decided to attempt a generator propane conversion. We had already been debating it for several years prior due to the benefits of having a propane generator.

  • Propane stores easily
  • Propane doesn’t go bad
  • No clogged carbs
  • Most homes have propane tanks already for grilling
  • Propane was half the price of gasoline when we did the conversion
  • Converting can actually be cheaper than buying a new propane generator

Below is the basic process for doing your own generator propane conversion.

1Check your engine model, ours is a robin ex30.

2Order your kit.

3Assemble carb adapter per instructions.

4Mark holes for regulator and drill them out.

5Remove air filter.

6Assemble regulator per instructions and bolt to frame.

7Mount carb adapter with supplied replacement bolts.

8Do not cut the filter cover like we did to make it fit.

9You need to cut the down-tube for proper spacing.

10My father didn’t believe me.

11Remount the vacuum hose onto the air filter.

12Connect propane line from regulator to the carb block.

13Connect tank regulator onto the tank hose.

14Connect hose to engine regulator and attach tank.

15Prime the regulator and fire it up.

16Adjust lock nut on right for proper air mixture.

Once you get it running you loosen the set nut and adjust the bolt till you get it idling where you want to; then tighten the lock nut to secure the setting. We adjusted that and now it purrs like a kitten. Also make sure you run it with the choke set to run not start.

We went with a tri-fuel kit so we would still be able to run gas as well as propane. If you go with just propane you have to tap into the carb so you would not be able to use gasoline without buying a new one. To see our complete generator propane conversion click on the link below. Stay safe.

..Our generator propane conversion

Propane / Natural Gas Conversion Kit for All Make/Models of Generators

Run on natrual gas, low pressure propane or gasoline. Free Technical Support. We are unsure if you need to cut the frame. The air cleaner will be pushed outwards about 1-1/4″. About 90% of generators will need to have the frame modified. This DOES NOT WORK ON the Honda iGX390 engines and fuel injected engines. We are unsure if you need to cut the frame. The air cleaner will be pushed outwards about 1-1/4″. About 90% of generators will need to have the frame modified.


    • Well it would be less than with the equivalent amount of gasoline because propane has less energy per unit of volume than gas does. Although propane does have its benefits as well, such as indefinite shelf life, less pollution etc. In short, propane generators are great, but gas-propane generators are better.

  1. Nice pictures,

    Just did a similar conversion. Instead of cutting back the plastic/metal air filter cut the generator support. It is not as pretty but the filter is important and a steel brace was easy to cut and bolt on. I used a steel L that gives it more strength and is pre-drilled every half inch or so. Cut it in 30 seconds with a power tool. Could even mount the regulator on the L brace but it poked out too much then. Good luck to all. Instructions in these kits are vague to avoid potential lawsuits.

    • Thanks Joseph, agreed, the directions could be a little better. We are debating about whether or not to cut the downtube and trying to find a replacement cover. It is very important to keep water out of the carb, but we have a generator room where this sits so it’s never out in the weather. Other issue is we can’t find a cover anywhere, so I am going to try and JB weld it back together

  2. Kvr28… If you haven’t already cut the frame pipe check to see if there is room to drill new holes at the generator mounting / frame connection (bottom side of the generator/ frame ). I was able to drill two new frame holes 3/4″ back (one side of the frame is slotted) and slide it away from the frame pipe. It is a more professional looking job.

  3. thanks for your posting, i have concern about cut the frame, if we use a thicker venturi then i am sure we can save the generator pipe to cut. when we cut the pipe its more vibrate, and i feel its not good for genset.
    i recently saw a new conversion kits maker amazingly good price and i found its venturi is much less in size, so i am sure its take less space and air filter assembly may fit normally.

  4. Thanks for your writeup. please what is the regulating pressure of the tank pressure regulator and that of the engine pressure regulator.

    please, i am asking this cos i ve tried to fabricate my own engine carb adaptor and now what i want to know is the working pressure of the regulators so i can purchase from hardware stores locally here.

    i will also be ok with the ones imprinted on the body, if u dont mind.
