50 Free USDA Publications


Here are 50 free USDA publications made available through The University of North Texas Digital Library. The UNT provides online editions of thousands of United States government sponsored books and documents.

They are from the early to mid 20th century and may not contain the latest and greatest buzz words but the more I research and learn, the more I realize the older methods are the best. Hopefully you can glean some information from them that will help you on your self sufficient journey.

  1. Adobe or Sun-Dried Brick for Farm Buildings
  2. Bracing Farm Buildings
  3. Chimneys and Fireplaces: How to Build Them
  4. Convenient Kitchens
  5. Dairy-Barn Construction
  6. Earth Roads
  7. Expansible Farmhouses
  8. Farm Buildings from Home-Grown Timber in the South
  9. Farm Dairy Houses
  10. Farm Drainage
  11. Farm Fences
  12. The Farm Garden
  13. Farmhouse Plans
  14. Farmhouse: Split-Level Expansible
  15. Farm Plumbing
  16. Farmstead Water Supply
  17. Farm Water Power
  18. Fire-Protective Construction on the Farm
  19. Fires on Farms
  20. Getting Started in Farming
  21. Good Roads for Farmers
  22. Heating the Farm Home
  23. Homes for Birds
  24. Housecleaning Made Easier
  25. How to Build a Farm Pond
  26. Livestock for Small Farms
  27. Managing Farm Fishponds for Bass and Bluegills
  28. Measuring and Marketing Farm Timber
  29. Modernizing Farmhouses
  30. Painting on the Farm
  31. Part Time Farming
  32. Plain Concrete for Farm Use
  33. Plans of Rural Community Buildings
  34. Poultry Houses and Fixtures
  35. Poultry Raising on the Farm
  36. Practical Hog Houses
  37. Practical Suggestions for Farm Buildings
  38. Rammed Earth Walls for Buildings
  39. Selection of Lumber for Farm and Home Building
  40. Seven Ways to Greater Egg Profit
  41. Silos and Silage
  42. Small Concrete Construction on the Farm
  43. Techniques of Fishpond Management
  44. Termites in Buildings
  45. The Use of Logs and Poles in Farm Construction
  46. Weeds and How to Kill Them
  47. The Windbreak as a Farm Asset
  48. Farm Poultry Raising
  49. Growing and Planting Coniferous Trees on the Farm
  50. Protection of Buildings and Farm Property from Lightning

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