DIY Dovetail Notch Jig


In the Log Cabin building world there are innovations that come along every so often that make the construction process easier for the DIY’er. One such product comes from inventor and builder Fred Beal, who created the dovetail notch jig seen in the above video. The jig allows a person to quickly and precisely cut the correct angles to build their own Appalachian style log home.

Fred sells plans of his Jig at his website for $25 and customizes the plans for different sized logs. You can see how to properly use them in the tutorial below.

How to build a log cabin with dovetail notches

If someone is really serious about using this inventive product to build their own little cabin; there will be a 3 day class offered June 5th-7th. The class is limited to eight students so contact Mr. Beal early. Subjects covered over the three day weekend will be as follows:

  1. Sawing: Learn how to safely and efficiently operate a Woodmizer LT15 bandsaw.
  2. Notching: You will learn how to use your jigs to cut perfect dovetail notches.
  3. Rafters: How to layout and cut rafters and roof trusses.
  4. Window and Door cutouts. We’ll cut these out after the logs are stacked
  5. Accomodating log settling/working with green logs.
  6. Chinking the log walls.
  7. If time permits, installing roofing.

The video below is a quick video from Fred that shows the construction process.

So if you do end up building your own cabin; share your story with us; we loving seeing what others are doing.

Build Your Own Low-Cost Log Home

If you’re considering building your own log house, whether from your own logs or from a kit, this comprehensive guide has all the information you need. Roger Hard covers everything from choosing a site to planning the foundation and driveway, shaping logs, making corner joints, erecting walls, fitting joists, adding decks or porches, adding chimneys, and much more. Step-by-step illustrated instructions make the process clear and foolproof, whether you want a basic one-story structure or a more complex multi-level building.