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This is the future that concerns me
Forum Posts: 31782
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15 Feb ’12
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22 Oct ’13 - 7:43 am
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I did a paper in college about this, I forgot what it was even for, I argued it was insane for parents to pay 100,000 for a college education, the kids would be far ahead in life if the parents used the money and bought their child a house, which would free them from 30 years of debt hanging around their neck and they could pursue their passion in life versus the almighty dollar. I got a F and the professor wrote across the top, a person without a degree will get ahead of nothing in life, I dropped out the next week lol

Forum Posts: 1272
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11 Mar ’12
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22 Oct ’13 - 8:54 am
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He whole atmosphere of college being required is damaging. There are so many ways to educate yourself. Dominant culture really wants to keep everyone "in the box". I was lucky in college. I went to art school. I knew from a young age that I wanted to be an artist. I got a very affordable and great education. All of the other things that I have done though, I have done simply by doing the things I love and educating myself along the way.

I'm afraid we are entering a time when we will have many "educated" youn people who have no idea how to make a living

Be RADICAL Grow Food

Farm Hand
Forum Posts: 353
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22 Oct ’13 - 4:58 pm
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Why prep? Why be prepared? Why try to become more self sufficient?

Is not college prep for the mind? does it not add tools and options to the toolbox?

1. folks that are 100k in debt because of college were short sighted, incompetent, and/or made choices based on popularity and not need. an education can be achieved for much less.

2. a college degree will still open doors that would otherwise be closed (just like work experience)

3. people who have been to college AND completed a degree from an accredited school and swear that they learned nothing are not insightful (and therefore should reconsider giving advice) or simply dishonest.

i too would advise other people NOT to go to college....because I want me and mine to get that job or opportunity or experience before you and yours.

And the monkey presses the button.

Forum Posts: 31782
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22 Oct ’13 - 5:40 pm
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so you are saying working hard and getting a degree is the better option?

Farm Hand
Forum Posts: 353
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22 Oct ’13 - 11:50 pm
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I would say having options is everything.

And the monkey presses the button.

Farm Hand
Forum Posts: 353
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3 Jun ’12
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29 Oct ’13 - 12:27 pm
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I dropped out of HS at 17. There was just nothing there for me, my school was a freaking war zone, and I had no real interest in college. I just wanted to work and live and pursue things I found interesting. Eventually fell into printing as a trade and I was happy enough.

I think its insane to ask a 17 year old what they want to do with their life and then have them take on a crushing debt load to pursue a piece of paper many will never use.

Around 24 I finally figured out that I wanted to be a Parks Officer and set about figuring out what that took. Because I was a dropout it took a little bit to get into school (thats another story, but the short version is that I simply lied about being a HS grad and got in. When I got caught, it was because I was a 4.0 student and The school was trying to give me grant money and the fact that I had no transcripts became a problem.... They decided it would be wrong to boot a national honor student. I got lucky). But the point is that I was a little older than my class mates, had worked for a living and understood the value of a dollar, and was there for a specific reason. So many of my classmates were either delusional about their future or just in school so the folks would keep paying the bills. I treated colege like it was a job. I had worked and saved and had everything budgeted about down to the penny, and I worked while a full time student. After college & academy, I only had about 3K in loans (paid off years ago) and less than $200 to my name, lol. There were times as I was just starting out that the $75/mo loan payment was a real hardship & I cant imagine having a loan payment as big as a rent payment every month, for years! Crushing. I am one of the few people that has actually used my degree, in many different situations, and being relatively debt free allowed me to have a freedom that debt just doesn't allow.

I would advise ANY young person that if they want to go to college, great, but wait a year or two. work, travel, experiance the world a little bit. Park Service law enforcement & SAR led me to paramedicine eventually, its strange where life takes you. None of this would have really been possible if I had done the traditional route. I'd probably be a pissed off broken high school history teacher in a city somewhere, fat & unhappy, just trying to make ends meet. I buried my mom with her never paying a cent on her student loans, turns out that masters in art wasn't really a revenue generator after all.

Forum Posts: 1272
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29 Oct ’13 - 7:13 pm
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It is good to hear another alternative route. I think I was rare in that I knew I wanted to be an artist my whole life. I also knew that I would have to work very hard to do it. My first day of college orientation (art school), they told us that one percent of s would ever actually make a living with art. I'm part of the one percent of my class! I have also gotten other alternative education for things that I wanted to do. And I really believe in "do what you love, the money will follow"!

Be RADICAL Grow Food

Forum Posts: 31782
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30 Oct ’13 - 7:37 am
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great post MM

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