Free Kindle Books 12/22/2014


For those with a kindle; here are some free kindle books I came across. The books are free as of 12/22/2014 and I’m not sure how long they will last; so get them while you can! I will try to add more as I find them.

DIY Household Hacks: 40 Simple and Effective Household Hacks to Make your Day Easier

81NFPPh9wuL._SL1500_[quote_box_center]Cleaning can be a hard and tedious task, but it’s one that is easily taken care of with do-it-yourself household cleaning hacks. From your kitchen to your bathroom, cleaning can become easier and a little safer. There is no reason to use harsh chemicals that are not good for your house, your health, and even your skin. They’re a thing of the past when it comes to cleaning, as easy to use tips are readily available. [/quote_box_center]

DIY Cleaning: Quick & Easy Homemade Cleaning Hacks to Organize and Declutter Your Life


[quote_box_center]DIY Cleaning includes over 30 recipes on how to give your bathroom, living room and bedroom a deep clean without breaking the bank! Below are just a few ideas to get cleaning today!

– Remove stains from your furniture using lemons!
– Get rid of stains in your clothing!
– Removing pet and baby pee stains with Baking soda!
– Deep cleaning children toys!
– Remove oil stains using Cola
– Get gum out of children’s hair without using scissors!
– Create a bug free garden using Cola!
– Removing stains off carpets using toothpaste
– Make your headlights brighter and cleaner![/quote_box_center]

The Best Jerky Recipes In History


[quote_box_center]Snacking is a good way to keep hunger pangs in check and prevent binging at lunch or dinner. It is important, however, that what we eat for snacks is healthy. Many people today have serious health problems because of the quality of food they eat regularly and if we snack without thinking about the quality of food we eat, we may end up with serious health problems.

One of the most popular snack treats is the jerky. It’s delicious and most of all, it has a long shelf life. But commercially available jerkies these days use lots of chemicals and preservatives to ensure longevity and profitability. So what are we to do?

I say we make our own snacks. Let’s make our own jerkies.[/quote_box_center]

Hearty Soups: A Collection of Homemade Soups

81cFdpa3oUL._SL1500_[quote_box_center]Homemade soup is so much better than from a can. This E-book will give you tons of recipes and ideas for delicious homemade soups.

Make them for lunch, dinner, winter, fall, or whatever your heart desires.[/quote_box_center]

DIY: Food Preservation For Beginners – An Introduction To Canning, Freezing And Drying Foods

81CVLMLtNuL._SL1500_[quote_box_center]The art of canning has been around for generations and seems to be making a comeback. As people become more aware of the chemicals used in processing their food, they are choosing to take matters into their own hands. Canning used to be a necessity due to the scarcity of food where now we have an abundance, but it is heavily processed in a lot of cases.

This is for all the DIY (do it yourself) beginners out there who want to introduce themselves to canning and preserving their own food. Inside you will also discover how to dehydrate food and freeze it for storage along with canning.[/quote_box_center]

Food Storage: Survival Pantry: The Ford’s Guide to Food Storage, Canning, and Preserving

8192EaFiwuL._SL1500_[quote_box_center]Our world is becoming more volatile each and everyday. Large scale natural disasters, economic collapse, and terrorism are real world situations that threaten our way of life. Food storage has become a must for any type of disaster, ranging from common natural disasters to unlikely large scale events. By being prepared to survive in such situations is a must. This ebook covers food storage methods that you and you family need to know about. [/quote_box_center]

If you don’t have a kindle you can still access the free books by downloading the kindle app for your PC or device here.