Homemade Farm Cheese : Part 2


So I woke up this morning and my homemade farm cheese was gone! You can see the original post here

No one would look me in the eye, but I have my list of suspects! So I decided to make some more but use a double boiler method so the milk wasn’t scorched. So I grabbed a pot


and placed a 5 pound weight in the bottom to keep the pan up off the bottom of the pan and filled it with water to just cover the weight


I nested another pan inside the bottom one


and dumped in a gallon of milk


using a double boiler method is much quicker and easier, you can crank the heat up to get the water boiling in the bottom and hardly have to stir the milk at all which gave me time to work on some other things, seemed within 15 minutes the milk was boiling, so I dumped in the vinegar and it quickly separated


I needed to drain and had not sent my drain bag through the wash yet, so I grabbed the next best thing, a t-shirt


I dumped the curds


no scorching


and massaged in a little more salt to season the cheese more, and tied off the bag and set up my redneck cheese press again


I let it press for 3 hours and it was ready to be dusted


now I got to find a place to hide it!

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