If you are thinking of adding raised beds to your yard this year but have a limited budget then a silt fencing raised bed might just be what you are looking for. In the video above Blake Kirby shows how he was able to build an inexpensive raised bed for his potato patch using recycled items.
If you aren’t lucky enough to find the required resources laying around your home you can still build one for not a lot of money. A 2×100 foot roll of fencing material costs $21.95 at Home Depot which is enough to build five 4×6 foot raised beds.
Items Needed
- Silt Fencing
- Extra Grade Stakes
- Soil
- Stapler
- Staples
- Utility Knife
- Hammer
- Cardboard

You can see a detailed tutorial of the construction method from rds1955 below. Good luck with your garden this year.
Silt Fencing Raised Bed
Tenax 2 Ft x 100 Ft Silt Fence Black
Tenax Silt Fence is the ideal barrier for sediment control around construction sites or wherever there is bare or disturbed earth. The woven geotextile used on Tenax Silt Fence is designed to filter out sediment from construction site run-off, yet allow clean water to pass through. Tenax Silt Fence is pre-assembled with hardwood stakes securely attached at 10 foot intervals and packaged in 100 foot rolls.