Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tag: food preservation

How to make sauerkraut

How to make Sauerkraut at home. We eat a lot of sauerkraut, a lot, due to our Pennsylvania dutch and polish heritage, pork and sauerkraut is a pretty staple meal, especially on New Years,...

How to make Homemade Bacon Part 2

Here is part 2 of how to make homemade bacon. It's been a week, I pulled the bellies out of the fridge. One thing I didn't show was draining the juice every day, the...

How to make Homemade Bacon

Here is how to make homemade bacon yourself  but before we get started a quick warning, curing salt is a poison if ingested directly in very small amounts. “You do need to handle it with...

How to make crock pickles

Here is a simple method for making crock pickles. In my continuing endeavor to eat only things we produce, nothing processed, I figured it was time to make some snacks, most of my pickles...

The HomeBrewed Homesteading Podcast: Episode 15

In this weeks homesteading podcast we talk to Ron, owner of What started as a hobby has turned into a online and retail outlet that is trying to make a change in the...