A Simple Cast Iron Bread


Learning how to cook over a campfire or in a Baker’s Salute Oven is a great skill to have in an emergency situation. If you are ever in a prolonged grid down scenario from a natural disaster; being able to provide food for your family is one of the top priorities. Here is a simple cast iron bread that can be made without having to wait for the dough to proof. It’s a caloric dense bread that goes great with soups and chowders.


  • 4 cups of Flour
  • 2 cups Buttermilk (or substitute milk and lemon juice as seen below)
  • 1 Tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 Tsp Baking Powder
  • Honey
  • 2 Tbsp Sugar
  • Butter
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt

Mix dry ingredients together.


Add splash of Lemon juice to 2 cups of milk.


Combine with flour mixture.


Knead the dough by hand.


Set dough into buttered cast iron pan.


Slice the top open.


Brush the top with honey.


Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes.


That’s all there is to making a simple cast iron bread. If you would like to see more recipes for cooking over a campfire; below is over 500 recipes to use. Stay safe.

..500 Campfire Recipes!

Lodge LCC3 Pre-Seasoned Cast-Iron Combo Cooker, 3-Quart

The Lodge Cast Iron 3-Qt Combo cooker is a multi-functional cookware that works wonders with slow-cooking recipes and all your favorite foods. It’s a deep skillet, a fryer, a Dutch oven and the lid converts into a shallow skillet or griddle. This versatile piece of cast-iron cookware allows the preparation of almost any recipe.