Monday, March 31, 2025

Tag: preparedness

Mora lIght My Firevideo

Mora Light My Fire Review

Here is a quick review of the Mora Light My Fire. One of our forum members had posted a link back in February for a sale on the Mora knife where it was $17.99 plus...

PVC ALICE Pack Frame

If you are missing your original metal frame, or if it is falling apart on you; here is a simple PVC ALICE pack frame that you can make for not a lot of money. Dave...
how to make a meat cleavervideo

How To Make A Meat Cleaver

Happy father's day weekend to all the dads out there. If your father's day is anything like mine it typically starts with a honey-do list from my wife. Once I have those out of the...

.223 Whistle

Above is a great little project for using a spent casing to make a .223 whistle that would be a great addition to your field kit. Being able to issue or respond to distress...

DIY Emergency Candle

There are quite a few candles available on the market today that are designed to be used in an emergency; they are a great product to have on hand in case of a major...