The Tiny House Movement


The tiny house movement has been growing over the last several years as multiple generations of people have become disillusioned with what they thought was the American dream; you marry your high school sweetheart, work for the same company for 40 years and retire to Florida with a gold watch and a cushy pension.

People getting closer to retirement have seen their pension plans devastated as the CEO’s of their companies are receiving multimillion dollar bonuses.

The boomerang generation is having difficulties with finding jobs; even though they have that 100K dollar diploma they were told was necessary to be successful in today’s world.

While the middle class has seen their quality of life diminishing over the last several decades; as they are getting squeezed by higher taxes, higher energy costs, stagnant wages and inflation.

People are starting to realize there is another way of living, and that sometimes; less is more.

[quote_box_center]Somewhere along the line the American Dream became defined by owning more stuff than your neighbor. Is that the new truth? Do we need a bigger house or a better car to find happiness? Does it come about when we sacrifice our dreams for the pursuit of stuff? -Andrew Odom[/quote_box_center]

Personally; I think if it leads to people to a simpler self-sufficient lifestyle that makes them less dependent on the consumerism fueled world that we all now live in; then that’s a positive.